

本页列出了所有的自定义系统属性,解释了它们是如何与主题链接的,以及它们所计算的 CSS 属性。 所有其他常规的 CSS 属性和选择器也被支持。


下面表 中的一行为例:

系统样式函数 系统键 CSS 属性 主题映射
spacing mb, marginBottom margin-bottom theme.spacing(value)


系统样式函数列列出了生成其他列中显示的属性的函数,以作为你要将此功能添加到自定义组件中的参考。 函数可以从 @material-ui/system 导入。 你可以在 进阶页面 上看到使用样式函数的例子。 The content links to the documentation page where this properties are described; in this example, the spacing page.


系统键一列列出了你可以通过 sx 属性(或作为系统函数)使用此属性的键。

CSS 属性

CSS 属性列描述了当使用该系统属性时,将生成哪个CSS属性。


Lastly, the Theme key column tells you how this property is wired with the theme – with this example, whatever value you provide will be used as input to the theme.spacing helper.


<Box sx={{ mb: 3 }} />

// 等同于
<Box sx={{ marginBottom: theme => theme.spacing(3)}} />

由于默认的主题间距是 8px,这将生成以下 CSS 类:

.hash-MuiBox {
  margin-bottom: 24px;


请注意,此表仅列出自定义属性,支持所有其他常规的 CSS 属性和选择器。

系统样式函数 系统键 CSS 属性 主题映射
border border border ${value}px solid
borderBottom borderBottom border-bottom ${value}px solid
borderColor borderColor border-color theme.palette[value]
borderLeft borderLeft border-left ${value}px solid
borderRadius borderRadius border-radius theme.shape.borderRadius * value
borderRight borderRight border-right ${value}px solid
borderTop borderTop border-top ${value}px solid
boxShadow boxShadow box-shadow theme.shadows[value]
displayPrint displayPrint display none
displayRaw display display none
alignContent alignContent align-content none
alignItems alignItems align-items none
alignSelf alignSelf align-self none
flex flex flex none
flexDirection flexDirection flex-direction none
flexGrow flexGrow flex-grow none
flexShrink flexShrink flex-shrink none
flexWrap flexWrap flex-wrap none
justifyContent justifyContent justify-content none
order order order none
gap gap gap none
columnGap columnGap column-gap none
rowGap rowGap row-gap none
gridColumn gridColumn grid-column none
gridRow gridRow grid-row none
gridAutoFlow gridAutoFlow grid-auto-flow none
gridAutoColumns gridAutoColumns grid-auto-columns none
gridAutoRows gridAutoRows grid-auto-rows none
gridTemplateColumns gridTemplateColumns grid-template-columns none
gridTemplateRows gridTemplateRows grid-template-rows none
gridTemplateAreas gridTemplateAreas grid-template-areas none
gridArea gridArea grid-area none
bgcolor bgcolor backgroundColor theme.palette[value]
color color color theme.palette[value]
bottom bottom bottom none
left left left none
position position position none
right right right none
top top top none
zIndex zIndex z-index theme.zIndex[value]
height height height none
maxHeight maxHeight max-height none
maxWidth maxWidth max-width none
minHeight minHeight min-height none
minWidth minWidth min-width none
width width width none
boxSizing boxSizing box-sizing none
spacing m, margin margin theme.spacing(value)
spacing mb, marginBottom margin-bottom theme.spacing(value)
spacing ml, marginLeft margin-left theme.spacing(value)
spacing mr, marginRight margin-right theme.spacing(value)
spacing mt, marginTop margin-top theme.spacing(value)
spacing mx, marginX margin-left, margin-right theme.spacing(value)
spacing my, marginY margin-top, margin-bottom theme.spacing(value)
spacing p, padding padding theme.spacing(value)
spacing pb, paddingBottom padding-bottom theme.spacing(value)
spacing pl, paddingLeft padding-left theme.spacing(value)
spacing pr, paddingRight padding-right theme.spacing(value)
spacing pt, paddingTop padding-top theme.spacing(value)
spacing px, paddingX padding-left, padding-right theme.spacing(value)
spacing py, paddingY padding-top, padding-bottom theme.spacing(value)
typography typography font-family, font-weight, font-size, line-height, letter-spacing, text-transform theme.typography[value]
fontFamily fontFamily font-family theme.typography[value]
fontSize fontSize font-size theme.typography[value]
fontStyle fontStyle font-style theme.typography[value]
fontWeight fontWeight font-weight theme.typography[value]
letterSpacing letterSpacing letter-spacing theme.typography[value]
lineHeight lineHeight line-height theme.typography[value]
textAlign textAlign text-align none